Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I Support Art Bell (Midnight In The Desert) Hoax Hunter John Razimus

I Support Art Bell, whatever he does, Art Bell recently quit his latest radio show Midnight In The Desert on the Dark Matter radio network. Art said that he was being attacked or harassed by someone who fired gun shots near his house. Something that would greatly concern anyone if that happened to him, so I support him 100%. I hope they find the crazy person who is firing guns near Art's house. I hope Art comes back like any Art fan but I support him if he chooses to remain retired. Art is a family man, he has always cared greatly for his family as he has related in his many episodes from Coast to Coast to Dark Matter to Midnight In The Desert. We don't know the full story as Art hasn't gone into elaborate detail, for all we know threats were made, but I hope Art and his family are safe. And I hope anyone making such threats gets caught and serves hard time. Thanks for watching! --- John Razimus (Lifelong Art Bell fan)


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